Friday, December 5, 2008

Let us introduce ourselves...

Hello everyone, we are a small family farm in Westport, Mass. We specialize in all-natural farm fresh eggs. We have a flock of 325 laying hens. Some of them are Red Star sex-links and some are Buff Orpingtons. 

Recently we acquired a large flock from Wingover Farm in Tiverton, RI. We raise and feed all our layers very similar to Wingover, and you can expect the same farm-fresh tasty eggs. We will be supplying eggs to all of Wingover's old customers, so if you see a Wingover or Run Dog Run label on an egg carton, that is us!

This February we will have all-natural broiler chickens for sale. They will be $3 per pound, and we are now taking pre-orders.

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